Funny PowerPoint Cartoons
Need some comic relief from the office?
Cut through a dreary workday with a bit of PowerPoint humor by browsing through our collection of funny PowerPoint cartoons and humor…or enter in our PowerPoint cartoon competition! (click each image to see if full sized)
PowerPoint Cartoon #1: PowerPoint Slide Deck
Congratulations to Bruce Anderson for clinching the prize for our first ever PowerPoint Cartoon Competition!
Here are the runners up in order:
PowerPoint Cartoon #2: Death by PowerPoint
Congratulations to Steve Rindsberg for clinching the prize for our second PowerPoint Cartoon Competition!
Here are the runners up in order:
PowerPoint Cartoon #3: Alien Earth Invasion Presentation
Congratulations to Charles Stella for clinching the prize for our third PowerPoint Cartoon Competition!
A big thank you to everyone who participated, by submitting an entry.
Here are the runners up in order:
PowerPoint Cartoon #4: PPT Crop Circles
Congratulations to Charles Stella for clinching the prize for our third PowerPoint Cartoon Competition!
A big thank you to everyone who participated, by submitting an entry.
Here are the Honorary Awards for some of the entries that weren’t selected:
The “Happy Hour” Award goes to Steve, for getting it done faster in PowerPoint:
“Hey, those don’t look very straight.” – “Just hit Alt, 1, T and it should align them all to the Top. Now let’s get out of here so we can get to Happy Hour.” – Steve Andrew
And the “Holy Smokes, Batman!” Award goes to Kevin, for reminding us that it’s always good to have a Robin by your side:
“Holy Venn!!!” – “I only hope that they knew to ungroup and combine shapes for those inner circles. ” – Kevin Matovich